Looking for a Service Industry Career?

Apply at the China Doll Restaurant Regina

Service Industry Jobs & Careers Regina

We are always interested in good people for all positions, including hosts, experienced servers, experienced cooks, Kitchen assistants, and delivery drivers.

Please apply in person to 1458 Broad Street with resume and summary of work experience or fill out the form or download the China Doll Employment Application.

China Doll Restaurant Employment Application

We need to ask because we are a licensed restaurant.
The information below is not required if it is already within your resume.


Please include institutions attended (high school, university, etc.) Describe if you have a degree or diploma and the Level attained or years complete.

Employment History

Please let us know about any previous employment history that is related to working in a restaurant/lounge environment.
Please include Company Name, Position and Job Description and the time you were in each position.
Please indicate the days and hours you are NOT available to work.


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